Art by Paul Rios
You may have noticed the output at Last Week’s Memoir has slowed significantly, especially after announcing “we’re back!” from our summer hiatus. Well, simply put, it’s because we’re in the midst of stepping our game up.
Starting in January 2014, LWM will no longer be just the place where art and short stories hang out—it will be the place for a kick ass quarterly magazine.
That’s right: Four issues a year chock full of short stories, essays, poems, interviews, maybe an excerpt or two and, most importantly, art. Why “most importantly”? Because the artwork we feature is what sets us apart. In an effort to expand on this idea, LWM is now planning to feature artistic expressions of the photographic kind as well.
Each issue of Last Week’s Memoir will appear on the website in a digital format; however, limited edition print copies will also be produced.
Submissions will continue to be accepted with open arms. The LWM crew maintains its mission to get as many artists and writers involved with this project as possible.
And for those of you who visit the site on a regular basis, never fear: Additional content, both written and in art form, will continue to appear on the website between issues of the magazine.
Long story short: Things are about to get really rad.